2 Kings 1:10-15

Coverdale(i) 10 Elias answered the captayne ouer fyftye, and sayde vnto him: Yf I be a man of God, the fyre fall downe then from heauen, and cosume the and thy fyftie. Then fell there fire from heauen, and consumed him and his fyftye. 11 And agayne he sent another captayne ouer fyftye vnto him, with his fyftye, which answered, and sayde vnto him: Thou man of God, thus sayeth the kynge: Come downe in all the haist. 12 Elias answered, and saide: Yf I be a ma of God, ye fire fall downe from heauen, and consume the and thy fyftye. Then fell the fyre of God from heauen, & consumed him, and his fyftye. Agayne, he sent vnto him the thirde captayne ouer fyftye, with his fyftie. 13 Now whan he came to him, he kneled to Elias, and besoughte him, and sayde vnto him: Thou man of God, let my soule and ye soules of thy seruauntes these fyftye, be somwhat worth in thy syghte. 14 Beholde, the fyre fell downe from heauen, and hath consumed the fyrst two captaynes ouer fyftye wt their fyftyes. But now let my soule be somwhat worth in thy sighte. 15 Then saide the angel of the LORDE vnto Elias: Go downe with him, and feare him not. And he gatt him vp, and wente downe with him vnto ye kynge.