2 Chronicles 7:5-7

Coverdale(i) 5 For kynge Salomon offred two and twetye thousande bullockes, and an hundreth thousande and twentye thousande shepe, & so both the kynge and all the people dedicated the house of God. 6 But the prestes stode in their watches, & the Leuites with the musicall instrumentes of the LORDE, which kynge Dauid had caused to make for to geue thankes vnto the LORDE, (because his mercy endureth for euer) wt psalmes of Dauid thorow their hande. And the prestes blewe trompettes ouer agaynst them, and all Israel stode. 7 And Salomon halowed the myddelmost courte, which was before the house of the LORDE, for there prepared he the burntofferynges and the fat of the slayne offeringes: for the brasen altare that Salomon made, might not conteyne all the burntofferinges, meatofferynges, and the fat.