15 And Helchias answered, and saide vnto Saphan the Scrybe: I haue founde the boke of the lawe in ye house of ye LORDE. And Helchias delyuered the boke vnto Saphan.
16 And Saphan bare it vnto the kynge, and broughte ye kynge worde agayne, and sayde: All that was geuen vnder the handes of thy seruauntes, that make they:
17 and ye money that was founde in ye house of the LORDE, haue they gathered together, and delyuered it vnto ye officers, and to the workmen.
18 And Saphan the Scrybe tolde the kynge, and sayde: Helchias the prest hath delyuered me a boke. And Saphan red therin before the kynge.
19 And whan the kynge herde the wordes of the lawe, he rente his clothes.
20 And the kynge commaunded Helchias and Ahicam the sonne of Saphan, and Abdon the sonne of Micha, and Saphan the Scrybe, and Asaia the kynges seruaunt, and sayde:
21 Go youre waye, axe councell at the LORDE for me and for the remnaunt in Israel, and for Iuda, concernynge these wordes of the boke that is founde. For greate is the indignacion of the LORDE that is gone forth ouer vs, because oure fathers haue not kepte the worde of the LORDE, to do acordinge as it is wrytten in this boke.
22 Then wete Helchias (with the other that were sent from the kynge) vnto the prophetisse Hulda the wife of Sallum the Sonne of Thecoath the sonne of Hasra the keper of the clothes, which dwelt at Ierusalem in the secode parte, and they spake this vnto her.
23 And she sayde vnto them: Thus sayeth the LORDE God of Israel: Tell the man yt sent you vnto me:
24 Thus sayeth ye LORDE: Beholde, I wil brynge plages vpo this place and the inhabiters therof, eue all the curses which are wrytten in the boke, that was red before the kynge of Iuda:
25 because they haue forsake me, and bret incese vnto other goddes, to prouoke me with all the workes of their handes. And my indignacion shal go forth vpon this cite, and shal not be quenched.
26 And after this maner shal ye saye vnto the kynge of Iuda, that sent you to axe councell at the LORDE: Thus sayeth ye LORDE God of Israel concernynge the wordes that thou hast herde:
27 Because thine hert is moued, and because thou hast humbled thy selfe in the sighte of God, whan thou herdest his wordes agaynst this place and the inhabiters therof, and hast submytted thy selfe before me, and rent thy clothes, and wepte before me, therfore haue I herde the, sayeth ye LORDE.
28 Beholde, I wil gather the vnto thy fathers, and thou shalt be layed in thy graue with peace, so yt thine eyes shal not se all the euell that I wyl brynge ouer this place, and the indwellers therof. And they broughte the kynge worde agayne.