8 Do mercy therfore vpon thy seruaunt: for with me yi seruaunt hast thou made a couenaunt in the LORDE. But yf there be eny trespace in me, then slaye me thy selfe, for why woldest thou brynge me vnto thy father?
9 Ionathas sayde: That be farre from the, that I shulde perceaue my father to intende eny euell agaynst the, and shulde not tell the.
10 Dauid sayde: Who shal brynge me worde, yf thy father geue the an harde answere?
11 Ionathas sayde vnto Dauid: Come, let vs go forth into the felde. And they wente out both in to ye felde.
12 And Ionathas sayde vnto Dauid: LORDE God of Israel, yf I perceaue by my father tomorow or on the thirde daye, that it goeth well with Dauid, & sende not vnto the, and shewe the before thine eares,
13 then let the LORDE do this and that vnto Ionathas. But yf my father delyte in euell agaynst the, I wil shewe it before thine eares also, and let ye go, that thou mayest departe in peace. And the LORDE be with the, as he hath bene with my father.
14 Yf I do it not, then do thou no mercy of the LORDE on me, while I lyue, no not whan I dye,
15 and plucke thy mercy fro my house for euer. And whan the LORDE roteth out ye enemies of Dauid, euery one out of the londe,
16 then let Dauid rote out Ionathas also with his house, and the LORDE requyre it of the hande of Dauids enemies.
17 And Ionathas proceaded further, and sware vnto Dauid (he loued him so well: for he loued him euen es his owne soule)