1 Kings 22:33-38

Coverdale(i) 33 So whan the rulers of the charettes sawe that it was not ye kinge of Israel, they turned back fro him. 34 A certayne man bended his bowe harde, and shott the kynge of Israel betwene the mawe and ye longes. And he sayde vnto his charetman: Turne thine hade, and cary me out of the hoost, for I am wounded. 35 And ye battayll was sore the same daie. And the kinge stode vpo his charet, agaynst the Syrias and dyed in the eueninge, and the bloude ranne from the wounde in to the myddes of the charet. 36 And whan the Sonne wente downe there was a proclamacion made in the hoost, and sayde: Euery one gett him in to his cite, and to his countre. 37 Thus the kynge dyed, and was broughte vnto Samaria, and they buryed him in Samaria. 38 And whan they wa?shed the charett in the pole of Samaria, ye dogges licked his bloude (but the harlottes wa?shed him) acordinge to the worde of ye LORDE which he spake.