10 and set two men of Belial before him, to testifye and saye: Thou hast blasphemed God and the kynge. And brynge him forth, and stone him to death.
11 And the Elders and rulers of his cyte, which dwelt in his cite, dyd as Iesabel had commaunded them, acordynge as she had wrytten in the letter that she sent vnto them
12 and they proclamed a fast, and caused Naboth to syt aboue amonge the people.
13 Then came the two men of Belial, and stode before him, and testyfyed agaynst Naboth in ye presence of the people, and sayde: Naboth hath blasphemed God and the kynge. Then broughte they him out of the cite, and stoned him to death.
14 And they sent Iesabel worde, sayenge: Naboth is stoned & put to death.
15 Wha Iesabel herde that Naboth was stoned and deed, she sayde vnto Achab: Vp, and take possession of the vynyarde of Naboth the Iesraelite, which he denyed to geue the for money: for Naboth lyueth nomore but is deed.