1 Kings 11:34-39

Coverdale(i) 34 Notwithstondynge I wyll not take the whole kyngdome from out of his hande, but wil make him a prynce as longe as he lyueth for my seruaunt Dauids sake, whom I dyd chose, which kepte my commaundementes & ordinaunces. 35 From out of the hande of his sonne wyl I take the kyngdome, and wyl geue ten trybes vnto the, 36 and one vnto his sonne, that Dauid my seruaunt maye allwaye haue a lanterne before me in the cite of Ierusalem, which I haue chosen, that I maye set my name there. 37 Therfore wyl I take the now, to raygne ouer all that thine hert desyreth, and thou shalt be kynge ouer Israel. 38 Yf thou folowe now all that I shall commaunde the, and walke in my wayes, and fulfill my pleasure to kepe myne ordinaunces and commaundementes, as dyd my seruaut Dauid, then wyll I be with the, and buylde the a sure house, as I buylded vnto Dauid, and wyl geue Israel vnto the 39 and therwith wyll I subdue the sede of Dauid, but not for euermore.