Matthew 17:24-27

CLV(i) 24 Now at their coming into Capernaum, those getting the double drachma came to Peter and say, "Is not your teacher settling the double drachma tribute? 25 He is saying, "Yes.And, coming into the house, Jesus forestalls him, saying, "What are you supposing, Simon? The kings of the earth, from whom are they getting tribute or poll tax? From their sons, or from the aliens? 26 Now he averred, "From the aliens.Now at his saying "From the aliens,Jesus averred to him, "Consequently the sons, surely, are free." 27 Yet, lest we should be snaring them, go, cast a fish hook into the sea, and pick up the first fish coming up, and opening its mouth, you will be finding a stater. Getting that, give it to them for Me and you."