7 But I am telling you the truth. It is expedient for you that I may be coming away, for if I should not be coming away, the consoler will not be coming to you."
8 Now if I should be gone, I will send him to you. And, coming, that will be exposing the world concerning sin and concerning righteousness and concerning judging:"
9 concerning sin, indeed, seeing that they are not believing in Me;"
10 yet concerning righteousness, seeing that I am going away to My Father, and no longer are you beholding Me;"
11 yet concerning judging, seeing that the Chief of this world has been judged."
12 Still much have I to say to you, but you are not able to bear it at present."
13 Yet whenever that may be coming - the spirit of truth -it will be guiding you into all the truth, for it will not be speaking from itself, but whatsoever it should be hearing will it be speaking, and of what is coming will it be informing you."
14 That will be glorifying Me, seeing that of Mine will it be getting, and informing you."