Job 5:20-27

CLV(i) 20 In famine, He will ransom you from death, And in battle from the hands of the sword. 21 From scourge of tongue shall you be hidden, And you shall not fear devastation when it comes. 22 Devastation and starvation shall you ridicule, And you shall certainly not fear the wild animal of the earth. 23 For you will have a covenant with the stones of the field, And the wild animal of the field will be at peace with you. 24 You will know that your tent lies in peace, And you will check over your homestead and shall not miss anything. 25 You will know also that your seed will be abundant, And your offspring like the herbage of the earth. 26 You shall come to the tomb in mature age, Like a shock of grain that ascends in its season. 27 Behold this, we have investigated it; it is so; Do hear it; and you, get to know it for yourself.