Isaiah 66:3-6

CLV(i) 3 Yet the wicked one-- the slaying of a bull, to Me is as smiting a man, sacrificing a flockling is as breaking the neck of a cur, bringing up an approach present is as the blood of a swine, making a memorial of frankincense is as blessing lawlessness. Moreover, they choose their own ways, and in their abominations their soul delights." 4 Moreover, I, I will choose among their unweaned, and their shrinking ones will I bring to them, because I called and there was no answer, I spoke and they did not hearken. And they are doing evil in My eyes, and what I do not desire, that they choose." 5 Hear the word of Yahweh, you who tremble at His word, "Say do your brethren, who are hating you, who are isolating you on account of My name, `Yahweh will be glorified!' Yet He will appear in your rejoicing, and they shall be ashamed." 6 A sound of tumult from the city! A sound from the temple! The voice of Yahweh repaying requital to His enemies!