3 Yet become, for you, shall the stronghold of Pharaoh for shame, and the refuge in the shadow of Egypt for confounding."
4 For his chiefs come to be in Zoan, and his messengers are attaining Hanes."
5 All are ashamed of a people who are not benefiting them, not for help, and not for benefit, for they are for shame, and even for reproach."
6 The load of the beasts of the south rim; in a land of distress and aridity and constraint, the parent lion and the long maned lion are there, yet no water. The puff adder and the burning serpent are making flight. They are bearing on the shoulders of donkeys their estate, and on the humps of camels their treasures, to a people who are not benefiting them for help, but for shame and for reproach."
7 And Egypt in vain and for naught is helping you. Wherefore I call as to this, "Their audacity shall cease!"