4 Is it the season for you yourselves to dwell in your ceiled houses while this house is deserted?
5 And now, thus says Yahweh of hosts:Set your heart on your ways."
6 You have sown for increase, yet it brings in little. You eat, yet without satisfaction; drink, yet without gratification; are clothed, yet without warmth to it. And the hireling's hire goes into a pierced pouch."
7 Thus says Yahweh of hosts:Set your heart on your ways.
8 Ascend the mountain, and bring wood and build the house, and I will accept it and be glorified, says Yahweh."
9 You face about for increase, and behold it is little! Yet you bring it home, and I blow on it. Because of what? (averring is Yahweh of hosts). Because of My house! It is deserted, yet you are running, each to his own house!"
10 Therefore, over you the heavens shut up the night mist, and the earth shuts up its crop."
11 And I am calling for a drought on the land and on the mountains and on the grain and on the grape juice and on the clarified oil and all which the ground is bringing forth, and on human and on beast and on all the labor of their palms."