5 When I came to consider, behold, a he-goat of the goats is coming from the west over the surface of the entire earth, and there is no touching the earth. The he-goat has a conspicuous horn between his eyes,
6 and he is coming unto the ram, the possessor of the two horns (which I see standing before the canal). He is running at him in the fury of his vigor"
7 and I see him attaining to the side of the ram. He is bitterly embittered against him and is smiting the ram and breaking his two horns. No vigor remains in the ram to stand before him when he is flinging him to the earth. He is tramping on him and no one comes to rescue the ram from his hand.
8 Then the he-goat of the goats magnifies himself unto excess. And as he is staunch, broken is the great horn, and instead of it are coming up four other conspicuous horns to the four winds of the heavens."
9 Then from the one of these four fares forth one inferior horn, and he is growing redundantly great to the southland and to the sunrise and to the stately land:"
10 He is growing great unto the host of the heavens, and cast to the earth is one from the host, and one from the stars who is also tramping on them."
11 Even unto the chief of the host he magnifies himself:Because of him the continuous ritual is disturbed, flung down is all that pertains to the site of His sanctuary,
12 and the horn is given a host for trespassing against the continuous ritual; thus is he flinging the truth to the earth. And he does this and prospers.
13 Now I am hearing one saint speaking. And saying is one other saint to so-and-so, the speaking one, "Till when is the vision of the continuous ritual--the cessation of the sacrifice and the desolating transgression which gives over even the holy place and the host to tramping?
14 He is answering him, "Till two thousand and three hundred evenings-mornings. Then found just is the holy place."