Acts 1:2-12

CLV(i) 2 until the day on which He was taken up; through holy spirit directing the apostles whom He chooses, 3 to whom also He presents Himself alive after His suffering, with many tokens, during forty days, being visualized to them and telling them that which concerns the kingdom of God." 4 And, being foregathered, He charges them not to be departing from Jerusalem, but to be remaining about for the promise of the Father, "which you hear of Me, 5 seeing that John, indeed, baptizes in water, yet you shall be baptized in holy spirit after not many of these days." 6 Those, indeed, then, who are coming together, asked Him, saying, "Lord, art Thou at this time restoring the kingdom to Israel? 7 Yet He said to them, "Not yours is it to know times or eras which the Father placed in His own jurisdiction." 8 But you shall be obtaining power at the coming of the holy spirit on you, and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem and in entire Judea and Samaria, as far as the limits of the earth." 9 And saying these things, while they are looking, He was lifted up, and a cloud took Him up from their eyes." 10 And as they were looking intently into heaven at His going, lo! two men stand beside them in white attire, 11 who say also, "Men! Galileans! Why do you stand, looking into heaven? This Jesus Who is being taken up from you into heaven shall come thus, in the manner in which you gaze at Him going into heaven." 12 Then they return into Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem a sabbath's journey."