7 Now as the messenger who is speaking to him came away, summoning two of the domestics and a devout soldier of those who waited on him,
8 and unfolding it all to them, he dispatches them to Joppa."
9 Now, on the morrow, as they are journeying and drawing near the city, Peter went up on the housetop to pray about the sixth hour of the day."
10 Now he became ravenous and wanted to taste food. Now, while they are preparing it, an ecstasy came on him,
11 and he is beholding heaven open and a certain utensil descending, as a large sheet, with four edges, being let down on the earth,
12 in which belonged all the quadrupeds and reptiles of the earth and the flying creatures of heaven.
13 And a voice came to him, "Rise, Peter! Sacrifice and eat!"
14 Yet Peter said, "Far be it from me, Lord, for I never ate anything contaminating and unclean!"
15 And again, a second time, a voice came to him, "What God cleanses, do not you count contaminating!"
16 Now this occurred thrice, and straightway the utensil was taken up into heaven."
17 Now, as Peter was bewildered in himself as to what the vision which he perceived should be, lo! the men who have been dispatched by Cornelius, asking the way through to the house of Simon, stand by at the portal."
18 And, shouting, they inquired to ascertain if Simon, surnamed Peter, is lodging in this place."