3 and all ate the same spiritual food,
4 and all drank the same spiritual drink, for they drank of the spiritual Rock which followed. Now the Rock was Christ."
5 But not in the majority of them does God delight, for they were strewn along in the wilderness."
6 Now these things became types of us, for us not to be lusters after evil things,
7 according as they also lust. Nor yet be becoming idolaters, according as some of them, even as it is written, "Seated are the people to eat and drink, and they rise to sport."
8 Nor yet may we be committing prostitution, according as some of them commit prostitution, and fall in one day twenty-three thousand."
9 Nor yet may we be putting the Lord on trial, according as some of them put Him on trial, and perished by serpents."
10 Nor yet be murmuring even as some of them murmur, and perished by the exterminator."