Leviticus 26:28-46

CAB(i) 28 then will I walk contrary to you in fury, and I will chasten you seven-fold according to your sins. 29 And you shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall you eat. 30 And I will render your pillars desolate, and will utterly destroy your wooden images made with hands; and I will lay your carcasses on the carcasses of your idols, and My soul shall loathe you. 31 And I will lay your cities waste, and I will make your sanctuaries desolate, and I will not smell the savor of your sacrifices. 32 And I will lay your land desolate, and your enemies who dwell in it shall wonder at it. 33 And I will scatter you among the nations, and the sword shall come upon you and consume you; and your land shall be desolate, and your cities shall be desolate. 34 Then the land shall enjoy its Sabbaths all the days of its desolation. 35 And you shall be in the land of your enemies; then the land shall keep its Sabbaths, and the land shall enjoy its Sabbaths all the days of its desolation: it shall keep Sabbaths which it kept not among your Sabbaths, when you dwelt in it. 36 And to those who are left of you I will bring bondage into their heart in the land of their enemies; and the sound of a shaken leaf shall chase them, and they shall flee as fleeing from war, and shall fall when none pursues them. 37 And brother shall disregard brother as in war, when none pursues; and you shall not be able to withstand your enemies. 38 And you shall perish among the Gentiles, and the land of your enemies shall devour you. 39 And those who are left of you shall perish, because of their sins, and because of the sins of their fathers: in the land of their enemies shall they consume away. 40 And they shall confess their sins, and the sins of their fathers, that they have transgressed and neglected Me, and that they have walked perversely before Me, 41 and I walked with them with a perverse mind; and I will destroy them in the land of their enemies: then shall their uncircumcised heart be ashamed, and then shall they acquiesce in the punishment of their sins. 42 And I will remember the covenant of Jacob, and the covenant of Isaac, and the covenant of Abraham will I remember. 43 And I will remember the land, and the land shall be left of them; then the land shall enjoy her Sabbaths, when it is deserted through them; and they shall accept the punishment of their iniquities, because they neglected My judgments, and in their soul loathed My ordinances. 44 And yet not even thus, while they were in the land of their enemies, did I overlook them, nor did I loathe them so as to consume them, to break My covenant made with them; for I am the Lord their God. 45 And I will remember their former covenant, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage before the nation, to be their God; I am the Lord. 46 These are My judgments and My ordinances, and the law which the Lord gave between himself and the children of Israel, in Mount Sinai, by the hand of Moses.