21 Be firm, I pray, if you can endure; then your fruit shall prosper.
22 And receive a declaration from His mouth, and lay up His words in your heart.
23 And if you shall turn and humble yourself before the Lord, you have thus removed unrighteousness far from your habitation.
24 You shall lay up for yourself treasure in a heap on the rock; and Ophir shall be as the rock of the torrent.
25 So the Almighty shall be your helper from enemies, and He shall bring you forth as pure as silver that has been tried by fire.
26 Then shall you have boldness before the Lord, looking up cheerfully to heaven.
27 And He shall hear you when you pray to Him, and He shall grant you power to pay your vows.
28 And He shall establish to you again a habitation of righteousness, and there shall be light upon your paths.
29 Because you have humbled yourself, and you shall say, Man has behaved proudly, but He shall save him that is of lowly eyes.
30 He shall deliver the innocent, and do you save yourself by your pure hands.