8 For I will laugh with my bitter speech, I will call upon rebellion and misery; for the word of the Lord has become a reproach to me and a mockery all my days.
9 Then I said, I will by no means name the name of the Lord, and I will no longer speak in His name. But it was a burning fire flaming in my bones, and I am utterly weakened on all sides, and cannot bear up.
10 For I have heard the reproach of many gathering round, saying, Conspire, and let us conspire together against him, even all his friends. Watch his intentions, if perhaps he shall be deceived, and we shall prevail against him, and we shall be avenged on him.
11 But the Lord was with me as a mighty man of war; therefore they persecuted me, but could not perceive anything against me. They were greatly confounded, for they perceived not their disgrace, which shall never be forgotten.