Zechariah 9:13-17

Bishops(i) 13 For Iuda haue I bent as a bowe for me, Ephraim [his hande] haue I filled, & thy sonnes O Sion wyl I rayse vp against the Grekes, and make thee as a Giauntes sworde 14 The Lorde God shalbe seene aboue them, and his dartes shall go foorth as the lightning: the Lorde God shall blowe the trumpet, & shall come foorth as a storme out of the south 15 The lord of hoastes shal defend them, they shal consume & deuour, and subdue them with sling stones, they shall drincke & rage as it were through wine, they shalbe filled lyke the basons, and as the hornes of the aulter 16 The Lorde their God shall deliuer them in that day, as the flocke of his people: For as precious stones of a Diademe they shalbe set vp ouer his lande 17 O how prosperous and goodly a thing shall that be? For the corne shall make the young men cheareful, and the newe wine the maydens