14 And they lift vp their voyces, & wept againe: and Orpha kissed her mother in lawe, but Ruth abode still by her
15 And Naomi said: See, thy sister in law is gone backe againe vnto her people, & vnto her gods: returne thou after her
16 And Ruth aunswered: Entreat me not to leaue thee, and to returne from after thee: for whyther thou goest, I will go also, & where thou dwellest, there I wil dwell: Thy people shalbe my people, and thy god my god
17 Where thou diest, there will I die, and there wyl I be buried: The Lord do so to me and more also, if ought but death depart thee and me
18 When she sawe that she was stedfastly minded to go with her, she left speaking vnto her
19 And so they wet both, vntil they came to Bethlehe: And whe they were come to Bethlehem, it was noysed of them thorow all the citie, and they sayde: Is not this Naomi
20 And she annswered them: Cal me not Naomi: but call me Mara, for the almightie hath made me verie bitter
21 I went out full, and the Lorde hath brought me home agayne emptie: Why then call ye me Naomi, seying, the Lord hath humbled me, & the almightie hath brought me vnto aduersite
22 And so Naomi with Ruth the Moabitesse her daughter in lawe, returned out of the countrey of Moab, and came to Bethlehe, in the beginning of barlie haruest