Revelation 21:12-22

Bishops(i) 12 And had walles great and hye, & had 12 gates, and at the gates 12 angels, & names written, which are the names of the 12 tribes of Israel 13 On the east syde three gates, and on the north syde three gates, and towards the south three gates, and fro the west three gates 14 And the wall of the citie had 12 foundations, and in them the 12 names of the lambes 12 Apostles 15 And he that talked with me had a golden reede to measure the citie withall, and the gates thereof, and the wall therof 16 And the citie was buylt foure square, & the length was as large as ye breadth: and he measured the citie with the reede twelue thousande furlonges, and the length, and the breadth, and the heyght of it were equall 17 And he measured the wall thereof an hundreth and fourtie and foure cubites, by the measure of man, that is of the angell 18 And the buylding of the wall of it was of Iasper, and the citie was pure golde lyke vnto cleare glasse 19 And the foundations of the wall of the citie were garnisshed with all maner of precious stones. The first foundation was Iasper, the seconde Saphire, the third a Chalcedonie, the fourth an Emeralde 20 The fifth Sardonix, ye sixth Sardius, the seuenth Chrysolite, the eygth Beryl, the ninth a Topas, the tenth a Chrysoprasus, the eleueth a Iacinct, ye twelfth an Amatist 21 The 12 gates were 12 pearles, euery gate was of one pearle. and the streate of the citie was pure golde, as through shynyng glasse 22 And I sawe no temple therin: For the Lorde God almightie and the Lambe, are the temple of it