7 For we be consumed through thy displeasure: and we are astonyed through thy wrathfull indignation
8 Thou hast set our misdeedes before thee: and our sinnes wherof we be not priuie, in the lyght of thy countenaunce
9 For all our dayes do passe in thine anger: we spende our yeres as [in speaking] a worde
10 The dayes of our yeres be in all threescore yeres and tenne, and yf through strength [of nature] men come to foure score yeres: yet is their iolitie but labour and care, yea moreouer it passeth in haste from vs, and we flee from it
11 Who regardeth the force of thy wrath? for euen there after as a man feareth thee, so [feeleth he] thy displeasure