Psalms 69:17-21

Bishops(i) 17 (69:16) And hyde not thy face from thy seruaunt, for I am in trouble: O haste thee [and] heare me 18 (69:17) Draw nigh vnto my soule & redeeme it: for myne enemies sake oh redeeme me 19 (69:18) Thou hast knowen my reproofe, my shame, and my dishonour: myne aduersaries are all in thy syght 20 (69:19) Reproofe hath broke my heart a peeces, I am full of heauinesse: I loked for some to haue pitie on me, but there was none, and for some that shoulde comfort me, but I coulde fynde none 21 (69:20) They gaue me for meate, gall to eate: and when I was thirstie, they gaue me vineger to drynke