Psalms 145:1-11

Bishops(i) 1 I will magnifie thee O Lord my king: and I wyll blesse thy name for euer and euer 2 I wyll blesse thee euery day: and I wyll prayse thy name for euer and euer 3 Great is God and most worthy to be praysed: and his greatnesse can not be searched out 4 One generation shal praise thy workes vnto another: and they shall declare thy mightie power 5 I wyll set foorth in wordes the glorious maiestie of thy excellentnesse: and thy wonderous workes 6 I wyll also declare thy greatnesse: so that men shall speake of the force of thy terrible actes 7 They shall vtter out of their mouth a memoriall of thyne aboundaunt kyndnesse: and they shall syng of thy ryghteousnesse 8 God is gratious and mercifull: loth to be angry, and great in louing kindnesse 9 God is good vnto euery man: and his mercie is ouer all his workes 10 All thy workes shall confesse it vnto thee O God: and thy saintes shall blesse thee 11 They shal shewe the glorie of thy kingdome: and talke of thy power