14 Surely thou hast seene [this] for thou beholdest labour and spite: that thou mayest take the matter into thy hands, he that is weake leaueth it for thee, [for] thou art the helper of the fatherlesse
15 Breake thou the power of the vngodly and malitious: searche thou out his vngodlynes, and thou shalt finde none afterwarde in him
16 God is king for euer and euer: but the Heathen shall perishe out of the lande
17 O God, thou hast hearde the desire of the afflicted: [and] thou wylt settle their heart
18 Thou wylt be attentiue with thyne eare, to geue iudgement for the fatherlesse and oppressed: [so] no man in the earth shall once go about hereafter to do them violence