1 Confesse you [it] vnto god, for he is gratious: and his mercy endureth for euer
2 Who can expresse the valiaunt actes of God: who can publishe abrode all his prayse
3 Blessed are they that kepe iudgement: and do iustice at all times
4 Remember me O God according to the fauour that thou bearest vnto thy people: O visite me with thy saluation
5 That I may see the felicitie of thy chosen, that I may reioyce at the gladnes of thy people: [and] that I may glorie with thyne inheritaunce
6 We haue sinned with our fathers: we haue done amisse and dealt wickedly
7 Our fathers did not well consider thy wonders in Egypt, neither did they remember thy manifolde great goodnes: but they rebelled at the sea, euen at the red sea
8 Neuerthelesse, he saued them for his names sake: that he myght make his power to be knowen
9 And he rebuked the red sea, and it was dryed vp: so he led them through the deepe, as through a wyldernesse
10 And he saued them from the hande of suche as hated them: & redeemed them from the hande of the enemie
11 As for their aduersaries the waters ouerwhelmed them: there was not one of them left remayning
12 Then beleued they his wordes: and song prayse vnto him
13 But within a very short whyle they forgat his workes: they woulde not wayte for his counsell
14 And they were taken with a great lust in the wyldernesse: and they tempted God in the desert
15 And he gaue them their desire: and sent leannes withal into their soule
16 They enuied also at Moyses in the tentes: [and] at Aaron the saint of God
17 So the earth opened and swalowed vp Dathan: and couered the company of Abiram
18 And the fire was kindled in their company: the flambe brent vp the vngodly
19 They made a calfe in Horeb: and worshipped the moulten image
20 Thus they turned their glory: into the similitude of a calfe that eateth hay
21 (106:21a) They forgat God their sauiour, who had done so great thynges in Egypt
22 (106:21b) wonderous workes in ye land of Cham, [and] terrible thinges at the red sea
23 (106:22) Wherfore he appointed to destroy them, had not Moyses his chosen stand in the breache before hym: to turne away his wrathful indignation, lest he should destroy them
24 (106:23) Yea they thought scorne of the lande most to be desired: they gaue no credite vnto his worde
25 (106:24) But they murmured in their tentes: they would not hearken vnto the voyce of God
26 (106:25a) Then lift he vp his hand against them, to geue them an ouerthrowe in the wildernesse
27 (106:25b) to geue their seede an ouerthrowe amongst the nations, and to scatter them in sundry landes
28 (106:26) They ioyned them selues vnto Baal Peor: they also did eate of the sacrifices of the dead
29 (106:27) And they prouoked the [Lorde] vnto anger with their owne inuentions: and a plague fell mightily amongst them
30 (106:28) Then stoode vp Phinehes, he executed iustice: and so the plague ceassed
31 (106:29) And that was imputed vnto hym for righteousnesse: in generation and generation for euermore
32 (106:30) They also prouoked [God] at the waters of strife: and all was not well with Moyses for their sakes
33 (106:31) For they had caused an alteration to be of his spirite: so that he spake vnaduisedly with his lippes
34 (106:32) Moreouer, they destroyed not the Heathen: as God commaunded them
35 (106:33) But they were mingled amongst the Heathen: and learned their workes
36 (106:34) Insomuch that they dyd seruice vnto their idols: whiche were to the a snare
37 (106:35) Yea they sacrifised their sonnes: and their daughters vnto deuils
38 (106:36) And they shed innocent blood, euen the blood of their sonnes and of their daughters: whom they sacrifised vnto the idols of Chanaan, and the lande was defiled with blood
39 (106:37) Thus were they stayned with their owne workes: and went a whoryng with their owne inuentions
40 (106:38) Therfore was the wrath of God kindeled against his people: insomuch that he abhorred his owne inheritaunce
41 (106:39) And he gaue them ouer into the hand of the Heathen: and they that dyd hate them, were lordes ouer them
42 (106:40) Their enemies oppressed them: and brought them into subiection vnder their hande
43 (106:41) Many a time dyd [God] deliuer them, but they rebelled [against hym] with their owne inuentions: and were brought downe for their wickednes
44 (106:42) Neuerthelesse, he did beholde them in their aduersitie: in geuing eare to their complaint
45 (106:43) And he remembred his couenaunt: and repented, according to the multitude of his mercies
46 (106:44) Yea he made all those that led them away captiue: to pitie them
47 (106:45) Saue vs O God our Lorde, and gather vs from among the Heathen: that we may geue thankes to thy holy name, and glory of thy prayse
48 (106:46) Blessed be God the Lord of Israel from world to world without end: and let all people say, so be it. Prayse ye the Lord