24 The captayne and most auncient of the house of the Gersonites, shalbe Eliasaph the sonne of Lael
25 And the charge of the chyldren of Gerson in the tabernacle of the congregation, shalbe the tabernacle and the pauilion, the couering thereof, and the vayle of the doore of the tabernacle of the congregation
26 And the hangynges of the court, and the curtayne of the doore of the court whiche is rounde about the tabernacle, and the aulter, and the cordes of it for all the seruice thereof
27 And of Caath, came the kinred of the Amramites, and the kinred of the Izecharites, the kinred of the Hebronites, and the kinred of the Ozielites: These are the kinredes of the Caathites
28 And the number of all the males from a moneth olde and aboue, was eyght thousande and sixe hundred, hauing the charge of the sanctuarie
29 And the kinred of the chyldren of Caath, shall pitche on the south syde of the tabernacle
30 The captayne and most auncient of the house of the kinred of the Caathites, shalbe Elisaphan the sonne of Oziel
31 And their charge shalbe the arke, the table, the candelsticke, and the aulters, & the vessels of the sanctuarie that they minister in, and the vayle, & whatsoeuer belongeth to the ministration therof
32 And Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the priest, shalbe captayne ouer all the captaines of the Leuites, and hath the ouersight of them that wayte vpon the sanctuarie
33 And of Merari came the kinred of the Mahelites, and the kinred of the Musites: These are ye kinredes of Merari
34 And the summe of them accordyng to the number of al the males, from a moneth olde and aboue, was sixe thousand and two hundred
35 The captayne and the most auncient of their house that were of the kinred of Merari, was Zuriel the sonne of Abihael: and these shall pitche on the north syde of the tabernacle
36 And vnder the custodie and charge of the sonnes of Merari, shalbe ye boordes of the tabernacle, & the barres pyllers, and sockettes therof, and all the vessels therof, and all that serueth therto
37 And the pillers of the court rounde about, with their sockets, their pinnes, and their cordes
38 But on the forefront of the tabernacle towarde the east, before the tabernacle of the congregation eastwarde, shall Moyses & Aaron and his sonnes, pitche and wayte to kepe the sanctuarie, and to kepe the chyldren of Israel: And the strannger that commeth nye, shalbe slayne