16 And whosoeuer toucheth one that is slayne with a sworde in the fieldes, or a dead person, or a bone of a dead man, or a graue, shalbe vncleane seuen dayes
17 Therfore, for an vncleane person they shal take of the burnt asshes of the sinne offeryng, and runnyng water shalbe put therto in a vessell
18 And let a cleane person take hysope, & dippe it in the water, and sprinckle it vpon the tent, and vpon all the vessels, and on the persons that were therin, and vpon hym that touched a bone, or a slaine person, or a dead body, or a graue
19 And the cleane person shall sprinckle vpon the vncleane the thirde day and the seuenth day: And the seuenth day he shall purifie hym selfe, and washe his clothes, & bathe hym selfe in water, and shalbe cleane at euen
20 But the man that is vncleane, and purifieth not him selfe, the same soule shalbe cut of from among the congregation: because he hath defiled the sanctuarie of the Lorde, and the water of seperation hath not ben sprinckled vpon hym, therfore shall he remayne vncleane