3 Say vnto them: Whosoeuer he be of all your seede among your generations after you, that goeth vnto the holy thinges whiche the chyldren of Israel halowe vnto the Lorde, hauing his vncleannes vpon hym, that soule shall be cut of from out of my sight: I am the Lorde
4 What man soeuer of the seede of Aaron is a leper, or hath a running issue, he shall not eate of the holy thinges, vntyll he be cleane: And who so toucheth any man that is vncleane [by reason] of a dead body, or a man whose seede runneth from hym in his sleepe
5 Or whosoeuer toucheth any creeping thyng, whereby he may be made vncleane, or a man, of whom he may take vncleannes, whatsoeuer vncleannes he hath
6 The same soule that hath touched any suche, shalbe vncleane vntyll euen, and shall not eate of the holy thynges, vntyll he haue washed his fleshe with water
7 And when the sunne is downe, he shalbe cleane, and shall afterwarde eate of the holy thynges, forasmuche as it is his foode