2 Speake to the children of Israel, and saye: Appoint out fro amog you cities of refuge, wherof I spake vnto you by the hande of Moyses
3 That the slear that kylleth any person vnwares and vnwyttyngly, may flee thyther: And those cities shall be your refuge from the auenger of blood
4 And he that doth flee vnto one of those cities, shall stande at the entryng of the gate of the citie, & shall shewe his cause in the eares of the elders of the citie: And they shall take him into the citie vnto them, and geue hym a place, that he may dwell among them
5 And if the auenger of blood folow after him, they shall not deliuer the slear into his hand: because he smote his friend ignorauntly, and hated him not before tyme
6 And he shall dwell in the sayd citie vntyl he stande before the congregation in iudgement, or vntyll the death of the hye priest that shall be in those dayes: for then shall the slear returne, and come vnto his owne citie, and vnto his owne house, and vnto the citie from whence he fled