Joshua 13:8-28

Bishops(i) 8 For with that other, the Rubenites & the Gadites haue receaued their inheritaunce which Moyses gaue them beyonde Iordane eastwarde, euen as Moyses the seruaunt of the Lord gaue them 9 From Aroer that lieth on the brim of the riuer Arnon, and from the citie that is in the middest of the ryuer, & all the plaine of Medeba vnto Dibon 10 And al the cities of Sehon king of the Amorites, which raigned in Hesbon, euen vnto the border of the children of Ammon 11 And Gilead, and the border of Gessuri and Machati, and all mount Hermon, with al Basan vnto Salecha 12 Euen all the kingdome of Og in Basan, which raigned in Astharoth and Edrai: which same remained yet of the rest of the giauntes. These dyd Moyses smite, and cast them out 13 Neuertelesse, the children of Israel expelled not the Gesurites and the Machathites: But the Gesurites and the Machathites dwell among the Israelites euen vntill this day 14 Onely vnto the tribe of Leui he gaue none inheritaunce: but the sacrifices of the Lord God of Israel is their inheritaunce, as he sayde vnto them 15 Moyses gaue vnto the tribe of the children of Ruben inheritaunce, according to their kinredes 16 And their coast was from Aroer that lyeth on the bancke of the riuer Arnon, and from the citie that is in the middest of the riuer, and all the playne which is by Medeba 17 Hesbon, with all their townes that lye in the playne: Dibon and the hill places of Baal, and the house of Baalmeon 18 And Iahazah, and Redemoth, and Mephaath 19 Kiriathaim, Sabamath, and Zarath Zahar, in the mount of the valley 20 The house of Peor, and the springes of the hilles, and Bethpheor, and Ashdoth Pisgah, and Besiesimoth 21 And al the cities of the plaine, and all the kingdome of Sehon king of the Amorites, which raigned in Hesbon, which Moyses smote, with the lordes of Madian, Eui, Bekem, Zur, and Hur, & Keba, the whiche were dukes of Sehon, dwelling in the countrey 22 And Balaam also the sonne of Beor the soothsayer, did the childre of Israel slay with the sworde among other of them that were slayne 23 And the border of the children of Ruben, was Iordane, with the countrey that lieth theron. This was the inheritaunce of the children of Ruben after their kinredes, cities, and villages perteyning therto 24 And Moyses gaue [inheritaunce] vnto the tribe of Gad, euen vnto the children of Gad he gaue by their kinredes 25 And their coastes were Iazer, and al the cities of Gilead, and halfe the lande of the children of Ammon vnto Aroer that lieth before Rabba 26 And from Hesbon vnto Ramath, Mispeh, and Betonim: and from Mahanaim vnto the borders of Dabir 27 And in the valley they had Betharam, Bethnimra, Socoth, and Zaphon, the rest of the kyngdome of Sehon king of Hesbon, vnto Iordane and the coastes that lie theron, euen vnto the edge of the sea of Cenereth, on the other side Iordane eastwarde 28 This is the inheritaunce of the children of Gad, after their kinredes, their cities, and villages