John 11:47-52

Bishops(i) 47 Then gathered the hye priestes and the pharisees a councell, and sayde: What do we? For this man doth many miracles 48 If we let hym scape thus, all men wyll beleue on him, and the Romaynes shall come, and take away both our rowme and the people 49 And one of them named Caiaphas, beyng the hye priest that same yere, sayde vnto them: Ye perceaue nothyng at all 50 Nor consider, that it is expedient for vs, that one man dye for the people, and not that all the people perishe 51 This spake he, not of hym selfe, but beyng hye priest that same yere, he prophesied that Iesus shoulde dye for the people 52 And not for the people only: but that he shoulde gather together in one, the chyldren of God, that were scattered abrode