Job 34:19-29

Bishops(i) 19 God hath no respect vnto the persons of the lordly, and regardeth not the riche more then the poore: for they be al the worke of his handes 20 In the twinckling of an eye shall they dye, and at midnight when the people and the tirantes rage, then shall they perishe, & be taken away without handes 21 For his eyes loke vpon the wayes of man, and he seeth all his goinges 22 There is no darkenesse nor shadowe of death that can hide the wicked doers from him 23 For God wil not lay vpon man more then he hath sinned, that he should enter into iudgement with him 24 He shall destroy the mightie without seeking, and shall set other in their steede 25 Therefore shall he declare their workes: he shall turne the night, and they shalbe destroyed 26 The vngodly doth he punishe openly 27 Because they tourned backe from him, and would not consider all his wayes 28 Insomuch that they haue caused the voyce of the poore to come vnto him, and now he heareth the complaint of such as are in trouble 29 When he geueth quietnesse, who can make trouble? and when he hydeth his face, who can beholde him? whether it be vpon nations, or vpo one man onely