Jeremiah 14:11-14

Bishops(i) 11 Yea euen thus sayde the Lorde vnto me: Thou shalt not pray to do this people good 12 For though they fast, I wyll not heare their prayers, and though they offer burnt offeringes and sacrifices, yet wyll not I accept them: for I wyll destroy them with the sworde, hunger, and pestilence 13 Then aunswered I: O Lorde God, the prophetes say vnto them, Tushe, ye shall neede to feare no sworde, and no hunger shall come vpon you: but the Lorde shall geue you sure rest in this place 14 And the Lorde sayde vnto me, The prophetes preach lyes in my name, wheras I haue not sent them, neither gaue I them any charge, neither did I speake vnto them: yet they preache vnto you false visions, charming, vanitie, and deceiptfulnesse of their owne heart