Isaiah 7:21-25

Bishops(i) 21 At the same time shal a man nurrishe a young cowe, and two sheepe 22 Then because of the aboundaunce of mylke that they geue he shall eate butter: so that euery one which remayneth in the lande shall eate butter and hony 23 At the same time al vineyardes wherin there shalbe a thousand vines worth a thousande siluerlinges, shalbe turned to bryers and thornes 24 They shall come into the lande with arrowes and bowes, because all the lande shall become bryers and thornes 25 As for all hilles that shalbe digged with the mattocke, there shall not come vpon them any feare of bryers and thornes: but the cattell shalbe driuen thyther, and the sheepe shal feede there