21 Consider this O Iacob and Israel, for thou art my seruaunt: I made thee that thou mightest serue me, O Israel forget me not
22 As for thyne offences I haue driuen them away lyke the cloudes, and thy sinnes as the mist: Turne thee agayne vnto me, for I haue redeemed thee
23 Be glad ye heauens, for the Lorde hath dealt graciously with his people, let all that is here beneath vpon the earth be ioyfull: reioyce ye mountaines and woods, with all the trees thereof, for the Lorde hath redeemed Iacob, and wyll shewe his glory vpon Israel
24 Thus saith the Lorde thy redeemer, euen he that fassioned thee from thy mothers wombe: I the Lorde do all thinges my selfe alone, I only spreade out the heauens, and I only haue laide abrode the earth by my owne selfe
25 I destroy the tokens of witches, and make the soothsayers fooles: As for the wise I turne them backwarde, and make their cunning foolishnesse
26 He doth set vp the purpose of his seruaunt, and fulfilleth the counsaile of his messengers concerning Hierusalem, he saith it shalbe inhabited, and of the cities of Iuda they shalbe buylded againe, and I will repayre their decayed places