Isaiah 36:17-22

Bishops(i) 17 Unto the tyme that I come my selfe, and bryng you into a lande that is lyke your owne, wherin is wheate & wine, which is both sowen with seede and planted with vineyardes 18 Let not Hezekia deceaue you, when he saith vnto you, the Lorde shall deliuer vs: Myght the gods of the gentiles kepe euery mans lande from the power of the kyng of the Assyrians 19 Where is the god of Hemath and Arphad? where is the god of Sepharuaim? and who is able to defende Samaria out of my hande 20 Or which of all the gods of these landes hath deliuered their countrey out of my power? Is the Lord in deede able to deliuer Hierusalem from my hande 21 Unto this Hezekias messengers helde their tongues, and aunswered not one worde: for the kyng had charged them that they should geue him no aunswere 22 So came Eliakim Helkias sonne the chiefe ouer the householde, Sobna the scribe, and Ioah Asaphes sonne the secratarie vnto Hezekia with rent clothes, and tolde hym the wordes of Rabsakeh