Isaiah 24:1-7

Bishops(i) 1 Beholde, the Lord maketh the earth waste and emptie, he turneth it vpside downe, and scattereth abrode the inhabitours therof 2 And the priest shalbe as the people, and the maister as the seruaunt, the mistresse lyke the mayde, the seller lyke the byer, he that lendeth vpon vsurie, like him that boroweth vpon vsurie, the creditour as the dettour 3 The lande shalbe cleane wasted and vtterly spoyled: for so the Lorde hath spoken 4 The earth is sory and consumeth away, the worlde is feeble & perisheth, the proude people of the earth are come to naught 5 The earth also is become vnprofitable vnder the inhabitours therof, which haue transgressed the lawes, chaunged the ordinaunce, broken the euerlastyng couenaunt 6 Therfore hath the curse consumed the earth, and they that dwell therin are fallen into trespasse: Wherfore the inhabitours of the earth are perished with drought, and fewe men are left behinde 7 The wine fayleth, the vine hath no myght, all they that haue ben mery of heart are come to mournyng