Isaiah 23:1-6

Bishops(i) 1 The burthen of Tyre. Mourne ye shippes of Tharsis, for there commeth such destruction, that ye shall not haue an house to enter into: and that there shalbe no traffike out of the lande of Cittim, they haue knowledge of this plague 2 Be styll ye that dwell in the Isle, the marchauntes of Zidon, & such as passe ouer the sea haue made thee plenteous 3 The corne that groweth by the great waters of Nilus, and the fruites of the riuer were her vittayles, so that it became a common mart of the nations 4 Be ashamed thou Zidon: for the sea, euen the strength of the sea hath spoken saying, I haue not trauayled nor brought foorth children, nor norished vp young men, or brought vp virgins 5 When tidinges commeth to the Egyptians, they shalbe sory for the rumour of Tyre 6 Get you to Tharsis, mourne you that dwell in the Isle