Isaiah 1:10-16

Bishops(i) 10 Heare the worde of the Lord ye lordes of Sodoma, and hearken vnto the lawe of our God thou people of Gomorra 11 Why offer ye so many sacrifices to me, wyll the Lorde say? I am full of the burnt offeringes of weathers, & of the fatnesse of fed beastes, I haue no pleasure in the blood of bullockes, lambes, and goates 12 When ye come to appeare before me treadyng in my courtes, who hath required this at your handes 13 Offer me no mo oblations, for it is but lost labour: incense is an abhominable thyng vnto me, I may not away with your newe moones, your sabbathes & solempne meetynges, your solempne assemblies are wicked 14 I hate your newe moones and appoynted feastes euen from my very heart, they make me weery, I can not abyde them 15 When you holde out your handes, I wyll turne myne eyes from you: and though ye make many prayers, yet I wyll heare nothyng at all, seyng your handes are full of blood 16 Washe you, make you cleane, put away your euyll thoughtes out of my syght: ceasse from doyng of euyll