4 Then shalt thou vse this mockage vpon the kyng of Babylon, and say: Howe happeneth it that the oppressour leaueth of? Is the golden tribute come to an ende
5 The Lorde hath broken the scepter of the vngodly, and the rod of the lordelye
6 Which when he is wroth, smiteth the people with continuall strokes, and in wrath raigneth ouer the heathen, who he persecuteth without compassion
7 And therfore the whole worlde is nowe at rest and quietnesse, and men sing for ioy
8 Yea euen the Firre trees and Cedars of Libanus reioyce at thy fall, saying: Nowe that thou art layde downe, there come no mo vp to hewe downe vs
9 Hell also beneath trembleth to meete thee at thy commyng, and for thy sake hath raysed his dead, all mightie men and princes of the earth, all kynges of the earth stande vp from their seates
10 That they may all aunswere and speake vnto thee, Art thou become weake also as we? Art thou become lyke vnto vs
11 Thy pompe and thy pride is layde downe into the pit, and so is the melodie of thy instrumentes. Wormes be layde vnder thee, & wormes be thy coueryng
12 Howe art thou fallen from heauen O Lucifer, thou faire mornyng chylde? Howe hast thou gotten a fall euen to the grounde, which didst weaken the nations
13 For thou saydest in thine heart, I wyll clymbe vp into heauen, and exalt my throne aboue beside the starres of God, I wyll sit also vpon the mount of the congregation towarde the North
14 I wyll clymbe vp aboue the cloudes, and wyll be lyke the hyghest of all
15 Yet thou shalt be brought downe to the deepe of hell, to the sides of the lake
16 They that see thee shall narowly loke vpon thee, and thinke in them selues, [saying:] Is this the man that brought all landes in feare, and made the kyngdomes afrayde
17 [Is this he] that made the worlde in a maner waste, and layde the cities to the grounde, which let not his prisoners go out
18 The kynges of the nations lye euery one in his owne house with worship
19 And thou art cast out of thy graue like a fylthy abhominable braunche, like as dead mens rayment that are shot thorowe with the sworde, and go downe to the stones of the deepe, as a dead coarse that is troden vnder feete
20 Thou art not buried with them: euen because that thou hast wasted thy lande & destroyed thy people: The generation of the wicked shalbe out of memorie for euer
21 Let there a way be sought to destroy their children that be in their fathers wickednesse, that they come not vp agayne to possesse the lande, and fyll the worlde full of enemies
22 I wyll stande vp agaynst them saith the Lorde of hoastes, and roote out the name and remnaunt, sonne and sonnes sonne of Babylon saith the Lorde
23 I wyll geue it to the Otters, and wyll make water puddels of it, and I wyll sweepe them out with the besome of destruction saith the Lorde of hoastes