Hebrews 9:9-12

Bishops(i) 9 Whiche (was) a similitude for the tyme then preset, in which were offred giftes and sacrifices, that coulde not make the worshipper perfect as parteining to the conscience 10 With only meates and drynkes, and diuers wasshynges, and iustifiynges of the flesshe, which were layde vp vntyll the tyme of reformation 11 But Christe beyng come an hye priest of good thynges that shoulde be, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with handes, that is to say, not of this buyldyng 12 Neither by the blood of Goates and Calues: but by his owne blood he entred in once into the holy place, & founde eternall redemption