17 And the fludde came fourtie dayes vpon the earth, and the waters were increased, and bare vp the arke, whiche was lyft vp aboue the earth
18 The waters also waxed strong, and were encreased exceedyngly vpon the earth: and so the arke went vpon the vpper face of the waters
19 And the waters preuayled exceedingly vpon the earth, and al the high hilles that are vnder the whole heauen, were couered
20 Fyfteene cubites vpward did the waters preuayle, so that the mountaynes were couered
21 And all fleshe perished, that moued vpon the earth, in foule, in cattell, in beast, and in euery worme that creepeth vpon the earth, yea, and euery man also
22 So that all that had the breath of lyfe in his nostrilles throughout all that was on the drye lande, dyed