Genesis 19:4-15

Bishops(i) 4 And before they went to rest, the men of the citie [euen] the men of Sodome compassed the house rounde about, both olde and young, all people fro [all] quarters 5 And they callyng vnto Lot, sayde vnto hym: Where are the men whiche came in to thee this nyght? bryng them out vnto vs, that we may knowe them 6 And Lot went out at the doore vnto them, and shut the doores after hym 7 And sayde: Nay, for Gods sake brethren, do not [so] wickedly 8 Behold, I haue two daughters whiche haue knowen no man, them wyll I bryng out nowe vnto you, and do with them as it [seemeth] good in your eyes: only vnto these men do nothyng, for therefore came they vnder the shadowe of my roofe 9 And they sayde, stande backe: And they said agayne, he came in as one to soiourne, and wyll he be nowe a iudge? we wyll surely deale worse with thee then with them. And they preassed sore vpon the man [euen] Lot, and came to breake vp the doore 10 But the men put foorth their hande, and pulled Lot into the house to them, and shut to the doore 11 And the men that were at the doore of the house they smoke with blyndenesse both small and great, so that they were weryed in sekyng the doore 12 And the men sayde vnto Lot: Hast thou here any besides? sonne in lawe, and thy sonnes, and thy daughters, and whatsoeuer thou hast in the citie, bryng them out of this place 13 For we wyl destroy this place, because the crye of them is great before the face of God: for the Lorde hath sent vs to destroy it 14 And Lot went out, and spake vnto his sonnes in lawe which maried his daughters, saying: Stande vp, get ye out of this place, for the Lorde wyll ouerthrowe this citie. But he seemed as though he had mocked, vnto his sonnes in lawe 15 And when the mornyng arose, the angels caused Lot to speede him, saying: Stande vp, take thy wyfe, and thy two daughters which be at hande, lest thou perishe in the sinne of the citie