Galatians 4:9-15

Bishops(i) 9 But nowe after that ye haue knowen God, yea, rather are knowen of God, howe turne ye agayne vnto the weake and beggarly rudimentes, whervnto againe ye desire a freshe to be in bondage 10 Ye obserue dayes, and monethes, and tymes, and yeres 11 I am in feare of you, lest I haue bestowed on you labour in vayne 12 Brethren, I besech you be as I [am] for I am as ye are. Ye haue not iniured me at all 13 Ye knowe howe through infirmitie of the fleshe, I preached the Gospell vnto you at the first 14 And my temptation which was in my fleshe, ye dispised not, neither abhorred: but receaued me as an Angel of God, euen as Christe Iesus 15 What is then your felicitie? For I beare you recorde, that yf it had ben possible, ye woulde haue plucked out your owne eyes, and haue geuen them to me