Ezra 7:20-23

Bishops(i) 20 And whatsoeuer thing more shalbe nedefull for the house of thy God which is necessary for to spend, thou shalt receaue the charges out of the kinges treasure house 21 I king Artaxerxes haue commaunded all the treasures beyond the water, that loke what soeuer Esdras the priest and scribe in the law of the God of heauen requireth of you, that ye fulfill the same speedylie 22 Untill an hundred talentes of siluer, and till an hundred quarters of wheate, and till an hundred battes of wine, and till an hundred vattes of oyle, & salt without measure 23 Whatsoeuer also is by the commaundement of the God of heauen, let the same be done without any delay for the house of the God of heauen, that he be not wroth against the realme, & against the king and his children