1 And it was in the sixt yere, in the sixt [moneth] in the fift [day] of the moneth, I sate in my house, and the elders of Iuda sate before me, and the hande of the Lorde God fell there vpon me
2 Then I behelde, and lo, there was a likenesse as the appearaunce of fire: from the appearaunce of his loynes downewarde, fire: and from his loynes vpwarde as the appearaunce of brightnesse, lyke the colour of amber
3 And he stretched out the likenesse of an hande, and toke me by an heery locke of my head, and the spirite lift me vp betwixt earth and heauen, and brought me in a diuine vision to Hierusalem, into the entry of the inner gate that lyeth towarde the north, where remayned the image of emulation [and] of gayne