8 Upon the borders of Iuda, from the east part vnto the west part, shalbe the offering which they shall offer of fiue and twentie thousand [canes] brode, and of length as one of the partes, from the east side vnto the west side: and the sanctuarie shalbe in the midst of it
9 The oblation that ye shall offer vnto the Lord, shalbe fiue and twentie thousand long, and ten thousand brode
10 And for these [euen] for the priestes shalbe this holy oblation: toward the north fiue & twentie thousand [long] & toward the west ten thousand brode, towarde the east ten thousand brode also, and toward the south fiue and twentie thousand long, & the sanctuarie of the Lorde shalbe in the midst thereof
11 This sanctified portion shalbe the priestes that are of the children of Sadoc, which haue kept my charge, which went not astray in the errour of the children of Israel like as the Leuites went astray
12 Therefore this oblation of the lande that is offered, shalbe theirs as a thing most holy, hard vpon the borders of the Leuites
13 And ouer against the border of the priestes, shall the Leuites haue fiue and twentie thousand long, & ten thousand brode: all the length shalbe fiue & twentie thousand, and the breadth ten thousand
14 Of this portion they shall sell nothing, nor make any permutation thereof, nor alienate the first fruites of the lande: for it is holy vnto the Lorde
15 And the fiue thousande that are left in the breadth ouer against the fiue and twentie thousand, shalbe a prophane place for the citie, for housing, & for suburbes: and the citie shalbe in the midst thereof
16 And these shalbe the measures therof: the north part fiue hundred and foure thousand, and the south part fiue hundred and foure thousand, and the east part fiue hundred and foure thousand, and the west part fiue hundred & foure thousand
17 The suburbes of the citie shall haue toward the north two hundred and fiftie, toward the south two hundred and fiftie, toward the east two hundred and fiftie, toward the west also two hundred and fiftie
18 And the residue in length ouer against the oblation of the holy portion, shalbe ten thousand toward the east, and ten thousand toward the west: and it shalbe ouer against the oblation of the holy portion: and the encrease thereof shalbe for their meate that serue the citie
19 And they that serue the citie, they shal serue it out of all the tribes of Israel